School Tries To Block Pro-Life Club

Recently, Queens College reversed course on an activities committee inexplicably denying a pro-life group from starting on campus. The school changed their minds although a lawsuit against the school has not been dropped. According to College Fix, “The committee refused […]

College Republicans Attacked For Defending Scott Walker

In 2015, amid criticism of Wisconsin governor Scott Walker’s budget proposals  the College Republican chapter at UW-Madison sent out a campus-wide e-mail, explaining the reasoning behind the budget and asking students to think through all the issues at play. […]

YAF Stopped From Promoting Guns On Campus

In 2013, Texas Christian University stopped Young Americans For Freedom from using posters which promoted gun safety and a gun raffle. According to College Fix, “Texas Christian University officials refused to allow a conservative student group to distribute fliers promoting its pro-Second Amendment […]

Students Flip Out Over Gun-Themed Party

In 2013, students complained about a ‘Camo and Ammo’ themed party at the five Claremont Colleges. According to College Fix, the student government, “proceeded to change the Facebook event name two times the next day in response to student complaints […]

Thomas Jefferson’s University Upset About So Many Jefferson Quotes

In 2016, “Nearly 500 members of campus signed a letter to UVA President Teresa Sullivan criticizing her for continuously including Jefferson quotes in emails—particularly in her post-election message to campus. ‘For many of us, the inclusion of Jefferson quotations […]

College Publishes Inclusive Language Guide

In 2016, Emerson College published an “Inclusive Language Guide”, which tells students how to not be offensive when referring to people with disabilities, LGBT people, and other ‘marginalized groups’.

University Says ‘Mad Scientist’ Party Is Offensive

In 2015, the five colleges of Claremont Colleges planned a mad scientist themed Halloween party. However, according to National Review, it hit a snag when some student government leaders at Pomona College called the idea offensive.  According to a statement […]