Pro-Choice Students Destroy Pro-Life Display

Recently, pro-choice students at George Washington University tore up signs at a pro-life “Cemetery of Innocents” display on campus created by the Young Americans For Freedom chapter. According to Campus Reform, “A pair of students ripped YAF’s sign in half […]

YAF Stopped From Promoting Guns On Campus

In 2013, Texas Christian University stopped Young Americans For Freedom from using posters which promoted gun safety and a gun raffle. According to College Fix, “Texas Christian University officials refused to allow a conservative student group to distribute fliers promoting its pro-Second Amendment […]

YAF Labeled As “Cancer” For Opposing Forced LGBT Training

In 2015, George Washington University’s student senate considered forcing all clubs to go through “Safe-Zone Training” to teach them how to better relate to LGBT students. The Young Americans for Freedom chapter at the school said they would not […]

Anti-Communism Called “Inflammatory”

In 2016, Samford College rejected an application for official status by Young Americans for Freedom. The school’s faculty senate claimed that its long-standing stance against Communism was “inflammatory” and the school could not approve the chapter.