Commit to Social Justice At University of Minnesota Or Lose Your Job

Recently, a residence life student employee, Justine Schwarz lost her job as a community advisor at University of Minnesota because she did not promote social justice enough. According to the Minnesota Republic,
Schwarz is a community advisor (CA) at the University […]

Professor Tears Down This Free Speech Wall

In 2011,  according to FIRE,  “the student groups SHSU Lovers of Liberty, Bearkat Democrats, Young Democratic Socialists, and College Republicans sponsored the display of a “free speech wall,” on which students were invited to write any message they wanted.” […]

Pro-Life Display Wrecked By Vandals at DePaul

In 2013, vandals destroyed a pro-life display at DePaul University put up by the school’s chapter of YAF. However, after the vandals name came to light, the school punished a pro-life student who shared the students name.
Pro-life displays are […]

Refugee Rally Quickly Turns Anti-Israel

Recently, after President Trump released his controversial executive order on refugees, students at UC-Irvine hosted a rally to oppose the executive order. While the event was originally supposed to be about the perceived Islamophobia in his order, as well […]

Pro-Life Display Destroyed at Clemson University

In 2014, pro-life Clemson students placed crosses on campus to remember those lives lost to abortion. According to Campus Reform, “While the crosses were pulled out of the ground, broken, and placed in a pile, SFL’s club banner and the three […]

Pro-Life Display Destroyed At Catholic University

In October 2016, at Georgetown University,  members of the pro-life group on campus chalked pro-life messages around campus such as “end abortion” and “choose life”, but those were defaced and changed to feminist slogans.

Feminists Brag About Destroying Pro-Life Display

In 2016, feminists at Marquette University openly bragged about destroying a pro-life display at Marquette University, a Catholic school in Milwaukee.

The defacement also received the full backing of the College Democrats chapter, which bizarrely claimed to actually be against […]