Author - Matt Lamb

Students Banned From Hosting Affirmative Action Bake Sale

Recently, Regis University hosted a “Social Justice Week”. In response, the Young Americans for Liberty chapter on campus hosted an affirmative action bake sale to discuss issues with affirmative action. The school claimed the group could not carry on […]

Northwestern Investigates Professor For Criticizing Excessive Investigations

In 2016, Northwestern University professor Laura Kipnis, a self-described feminist, found herself subjected to a Title IX investigation by the school. She wrote an essay criticizing ‘sexual paranoia’ on campus which included criticisms of Title IX investigation. For this, […]

Professors Cancel Exams To Cope With Trump

After Donald Trump’s presidential victory, professors across the country cancelled exams to help students cope with the victory. Reason notes several examples; “A University of Michigan psychology professor delayed an exam until next week and wished students good fortune during […]

Conservative Marriage Group Charged Extra Security Fees

In 2014, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education “Stanford University’s Graduate Student Council revoked $600 in funding that it had previously approved for the Stanford Anscombe Society’s (SAS’s) upcoming conference on marriage and “sexual integrity.’” The […]

Graduate Students: If You Oppose Palestine, You’re An Islamophobe

In 2016, the Graduate Student Association at UCLA passed a resolution claiming that opponents of Palestine were Islamophobic. As one example of Islamophobia, the Association noted its own president had shared an article about SJP members harassing pro-Israel students. […]

Mandated Social Justice Training At Oregon State

In 2016, Oregon State announced that all freshmen would be required to take social justice training as part of their freshmen classes.  According to the school it “is intended to provide all students entering Oregon State University an orientation […]