Author - Matt Lamb

Students Upset That School Ads Appear on Breitbart

Recently, students and campus community members were upset that ads for the school showed up on Breitbart. The school vowed to fix the problem, while noting that algorithms, not the schools, determine where and who sees the ads.

Ohio State Criticizes Student For Expressing Pro-Life Views

In 2015, Madison Gesiotto, a law student at the Ohio State University, published a pro-life editorial in Washington Times, which received backlash from fellow students, including threatening messages. When Gesiotto met with school officials to discuss the incident, including a […]

Pro-Choice Students Destroy Pro-Life Display

Recently, pro-choice students at George Washington University tore up signs at a pro-life “Cemetery of Innocents” display on campus created by the Young Americans For Freedom chapter. According to Campus Reform, “A pair of students ripped YAF’s sign in half […]

University Severs Ties With Climate Change Solution Skeptic

In 2015, the University of Western Australia “backtracked on a federally funded research center” connected to Bjorn Lomborg, due to his views on climate change. Lomborg believes that government policies towards climate change need to take into account the effect […]

School Suspends Twitter Account For Criticizing Free Speech Policies

Recently,  the Conservative Society at University of Lincoln tweeted an article about how the school had repressive free speech policies. In order to reinforce the point, the school’s student government forced the group to suspend its social media.

School Tries To Cancel Coulter Talk Due to ‘Antifascist’ Violence

Recently, Cal-Berkeley tried to cancel a speech by Ann Coulter at Cal-Berkeley due to threats of violence. The school referenced past violence when College Republicans hosted Milo on campus as justification for the cancellation.

Faculty Upset About Donations To Student Shooting Clubs

In 2016, Campus Reform looked into hostility on campus to campus shooting clubs. Many academics are upset that groups like the National Shooting Sports Foundation gives money to collegiate shooting teams. One professor even said, “In this case of a […]