Author - Matt Lamb

Gospel Incites People To Violence, Claims School

Recently, Georgia Gwinnett College punished a student for talking about the Bible to fellow students, claiming that it could incite people. According to Campus Reform, “Georgia Gwinnett College tried to dispel a First Amendment lawsuit by claiming that it removed […]

Angry Student Tears Down Pro-Life Display

Recently, a student at Washington State University tore down a “Cemetery of Innocents” display set up by the pro-life club on campus. He claimed it was because the display ‘made him angry’.  According to the student newspaper the Daily Evergreen, […]

Student Newspaper Says Opposing Views Don’t Deserve To Be Heard

Recently, after a controversy involving bringing feminist speaker Laura Kipnis to Wellesley College erupted, the student newspaper criticized defenders of inviting Kipnis, saying that hate speech isn’t free speech. Kipnis, a critic of Title IX laws which broadly define […]

Students Protest Charles Murray By Swearing

Recently, social scientist Charles Murray spoke at Indiana University-Bloomington. Protestors outside yelled things like “Fuck Charles Murray” and banged pots and made noise outside where he was speaking.

Protests over speaker Charles Murray are taking place outside Presidents Hall where […]