Punctuality Is Offensive, Says Clemson Diversity Training

Punctuality Is Offensive, Says Clemson Diversity Training

Recently, Campus Reform reported that Clemson University’s diversity training for faculty and staff teaches that requiring people to show up on time is not inclusive. According to one hypothetical scenario, “a character named Alejandro schedules a 9:00 a.m. meeting between two groups of foreign professors and students. The first group arrived fifteen minutes early, while the second arrived ten minutes late. According to the answers, it is wrong for Alejandro to ‘politely ask the second group to apologize,’ or explain that ‘in our country, 9:00 a.m. means 9:00 a.m'” instead… “Alejandro should ‘recognize cultural differences that may impact the meeting and adjust accordingly,’ and understand ‘that his cultural perspective regarding time is neither more nor less valid than any other.'”

Source: http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=9034

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