LGBT Group Upset Over Religion Debate Involving Christian

In 2015, the Graduate Queer Alliance at SUNY-Stony Brook protested a debate between an atheist and Christian apologist on campus. Atheist and famed skeptic Michael Shermer debated Christian apologist Frank Turek, whom the Queer Alliance accused of hate speech […]

Punctuality Is Offensive, Says Clemson Diversity Training

Recently, Campus Reform reported that Clemson University’s diversity training for faculty and staff teaches that requiring people to show up on time is not inclusive. According to one hypothetical scenario, “a character named Alejandro schedules a 9:00 a.m. meeting between […]

Protestors Upset About Pro-Family Group On Campus

Recently, members of a socially conservative group called TFP Action (Truth, Family, Property) showed up outside George Washington University with information about transgenderism and a banner which said “God created them male & female. (Gen. 5:2) Stop the ravages […]

School Upset Over Straight Pride Posters

In 2015 students at Youngstown State put up satirical “Straight Pride” posters to mock LGBT events going on on campus. The school became upset over the posters and removed the posters, in violation of First Amendment protections.

College Publishes Inclusive Language Guide

In 2016, Emerson College published an “Inclusive Language Guide”, which tells students how to not be offensive when referring to people with disabilities, LGBT people, and other ‘marginalized groups’.

YAF Labeled As “Cancer” For Opposing Forced LGBT Training

In 2015, George Washington University’s student senate considered forcing all clubs to go through “Safe-Zone Training” to teach them how to better relate to LGBT students. The Young Americans for Freedom chapter at the school said they would not […]