Tag - #feminism

Pro-Choice Students Destroy Pro-Life Display

Recently, pro-choice students at George Washington University tore up signs at a pro-life “Cemetery of Innocents” display on campus created by the Young Americans For Freedom chapter. According to Campus Reform, “A pair of students ripped YAF’s sign in half […]

Student Newspaper Says Opposing Views Don’t Deserve To Be Heard

Recently, after a controversy involving bringing feminist speaker Laura Kipnis to Wellesley College erupted, the student newspaper criticized defenders of inviting Kipnis, saying that hate speech isn’t free speech. Kipnis, a critic of Title IX laws which broadly define […]

Moderately Conservative Columnist Too Offensive For Some Students

In 2016, students at Elon University petitioned, but failed, to stop Kathleen Parker, from speaking on campus. Parker, a Washington Post columnist, came under fire for criticizing feminist claims, such as claims about sexual assault on campus.
Source:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/apparently-my-thoughts-are-dangerous-who-knew/2016/10/07/3fdf393c-8cdd-11e6-bf8a-3d26847eeed4_story.html?utm_term=.d23503132007

“Cemetery Of Innocents” Destroyed By Pro-Choicers

In 2015, the pro-life club at University of Wisconsin-River Falls put up a “Cemetery of Innocents” on campus, with white crosses used to represent lives lost to abortion. According to Campus Reform, members found “the crosses broken and strewn across […]

Feminists Ticket Students For Being Offensive

In 2016, the Feminist Action Club at Sierra College held an event on campus where they wrote citations for ‘offensive behaviors’ such as “making ‘kissing noises,’ ‘whistling,’ ‘honking or shouting for my attention,’ or even simply ‘invading my space’”, […]

Feminists Block Entrance To Pro-Life Film

In 2016, feminists at Fordham University blocked the entrance to a showing of a documentary, Hush,  about the health effects of abortion. The feminists also faked evaluation cards for the movie, claiming to have seen it when they hadn’t. According […]

Feminists Get Abortion Debate Canceled

In 2014, a scheduled debate on abortion at Oxford University was canceled after feminists complained that two men would be debating the issue. According to College Fix, “Oxford Students for Life’s debate on abortion and its effects on British culture […]

Student Senator Targeted For Private Joke

In 2016, Colorado State student senator Juan Caro faced calls for resignation as well as faced targeting over allegedly making a joke 6 months prior about women working at the restaurant Hooters. The joke, made in a private conversation, […]

Feminists Force Cancellation Of Fundraiser For Domestic Abuse Victims

In 2016, feminists objected to a fraternity fundraiser at University of Maryland because they said it objectified women. The fundraiser was raising money this year for a domestic abuse shelter. Acording to the University of Maryland student newspaper, “Sigma Chi’s […]

School Says Criticizing Feminism Can Be A Hate Crime

Recently, police at American University began investigating a series of anti-feminism posters hung around campus. The posters mocked International Women’s Day as “International Nags Day” along with several other phrases.
Source: https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/31606/