Author - Matt Lamb

Republican St. Olaf Students Threatened

Republican students at St. Olaf College in Minnesota said they have been threatened in class and on-line for voicing support for conservative values, the Republican Party, or Donald Trump. The Manitou Messenger, the student newspaper, shared some of the experiences, […]

SJP Blocks Birthright Israel Table

In 2014, members of Students for Justice in Palestine blocked a table at Loyola University-Chicago which was advertising Birthright Israel, a trip for Jewish students to visit Israel. SJP blocked the table and started insulting members of Hillel, a […]

Students At Cal-Berkeley Vandalize Republican Signs

In March 2017,  a student at Cal-Berkeley vandalized a series of signs put up by the Berkeley College Republicans. It followed rioting and violence in February when the College Republicans invited Milo Yiannopoulos.

Pro-Life Messages Washed Off Sidewalk At Kutztown University

In March 2017, pro-life messages were washed off the sidewalks of Kutztown University by university employees. The school’s policy says only approved messages that identify the author of the messages are allowed on campus. Alliance Defending Freedom has requested […]

Divinity School Faculty Says Conservative Views Don’t Fit Into Diverse Views

Faculty members at University of Chicago’s Divinity School criticized an on-campus academic journal for publishing a defense of Milo Yiannopoulos by Professor Rachel Brown. Almost 30 faculty members wrote on the Divinity School website “The “Packet for Rachel Fulton […]

Students Try To Cut Funding To Student Newspaper For Reporting Crimes

Students at the University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown submitted a petition in March 2017 calling for funding cuts to the on-campus newspaper The Advocate. Some students were upset at the newspaper for printing crime reports involving students. As a result, students petitioned […]