Author - Matt Lamb

Extra Credit For Attending Anti-Trump Rally

In 2016, University of Pittsburgh’s social work department offered extra credit to students who attended an anti-Trump rally, and encouraged professors to have students attend. According to Campus Reform, ” The email, which Student Services Specialist and assistant to the […]

Marxist Student Group Warns Students About Trump Supporters

In 2016, a Marxist student group at Saint Mary’s College warned about Trump supporters posing a risk to other students. The posters claimed, ““Donald Trump is an unapologetic champion of white nationalism, xeno- and Islamophobia,” and “his running mate, […]

Anti-Communism Called “Inflammatory”

In 2016, Samford College rejected an application for official status by Young Americans for Freedom. The school’s faculty senate claimed that its long-standing stance against Communism was “inflammatory” and the school could not approve the chapter.

University Institute Trains In Combatting Conservatives

Recently, Barnard College is creating an initiative to train a new group of social justice activists. One of the ‘activists-in-residence’ is Tarso Ramos. According to Campus Reform, Ramos is “the director of Political Research Associates, a self-described ‘social justice think-tank’ with […]

Liberals Target Conservative, Bisexual, Latino Professor

In 2016, students at Cal State-Northridge targeted Professor Robert Lopez for his criticism of a campus mural depicting border patrol agents as animals among other actions, such as promoting a conference to students about family values. The students also […]

Student Suspended For Defending Christianity

Recently, Rollins College suspended Marshall Polston for arguing with a professor over Christ’s crucifixion as well as Sharia law. Areej Zufari, a professor at the school, reported Polston for ‘hate speech’, after several arguments over religion in the class. […]

Student Senate Tries To Punish Campus Newspaper For Criticizing Sharia Law

In 2015, the Kentucky Kernel, the student newspaper of the University of Kentucky, faced a censure vote by the student government. An op-ed in the newspaper called on a reform for Islam, particularly asking for Muslims to follow the lead […]

(VIDEO) Black Lives Matter Disrupts Heather Mac Donald At Claremont McKenna

Recently, “War on Cops” author Heather Mac Donald was forced to move the location of a planned speech by Black Lives Matter protesters. According to College Fix, “A throng of angry protesters converged at Claremont McKenna College on Thursday and […]

Black Lives Matter Disrupts Heather Mac Donald At UCLA

Recently, protesters at UCLA interrupted a speech by Heather Mac Donald on policing. According to College Fix, “Event organizers tried to calm the crowd and regain order. After the Black Lives Matter chant ended, several protesters remained at the front of the […]