Tag - #plannedparenthood

Two Pro-Life Displays Destroyed at University of Miami

In 2014,  not one, but two pro-life displays at University of Miami were destroyed. The pro-life on campus had put up graduation caps in memorial to students who would never graduate because they were never born due to abortion. […]

Student Newspapers Destroyed For Running Pro-Life Ads

In 2014, hundreds of copies of the Drake student newspaper were destroyed and left at the newspaper office for running an ad from a Christian crisis pregnancy center. The ad promoted alternatives to abortion and offered to help women […]

Pro-Life Messages Washed Off Sidewalk At Kutztown University

In March 2017, pro-life messages were washed off the sidewalks of Kutztown University by university employees. The school’s policy says only approved messages that identify the author of the messages are allowed on campus. Alliance Defending Freedom has requested […]