Tag - #freespeech

Black Sheriff Disinvited For Criticizing Black Lives Matter

In 2016, the University of New Haven invited and then disinvited Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke to speak at a forensics conference. Clarke, a popular speaker at conservative and pro-gun events, was disinvited by the university for criticizing Black […]

School Takes Over School Newspaper

In 2015, Butler University took over the school newspaper by placing an administrator in charge of the newspaper. According to the Indianapolis Business Journal, “Marc Allan, a spokesman for Butler, confirmed Wednesday that he was selected to be McKown’s successor, […]

LGBT Students Retaliate Against Conservative Student Leader

In 2014, LGBT students and supporters at Missouri State University targeted a student leader, Lindsey Kolb, for supporting a religious freedom law. Specifically, the students wanted Kolb’s name taken off a university banner listing Kolb, a “university ambassador”.
Source: https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/22009/

Students Accuse Gay Activist Of Being Transphobic

In 2014, the Institute of Politics at University of Chicago hosted gay activist Dan Savage. Students were upset over Savage’s use of the word “tranny” while discussing ‘reclaiming’ previously offensive words. Some students even petitioned the school to further […]

Group Run By Catholic Men Tries To Prohibit Catholic Men’s Group

In 2013, Gonzaga University, a Jesuit, Catholic school tried to prevent a Knights of Columbus chapter from forming on campus. The school tried to, but backtracked on preventing the group for being exclusively for male Catholics. The school changed […]

Students Banned From Hosting Affirmative Action Bake Sale

Recently, Regis University hosted a “Social Justice Week”. In response, the Young Americans for Liberty chapter on campus hosted an affirmative action bake sale to discuss issues with affirmative action. The school claimed the group could not carry on […]