Student Newspapers Destroyed For Running Pro-Life Ads

In 2014, hundreds of copies of the Drake student newspaper were destroyed and left at the newspaper office for running an ad from a Christian crisis pregnancy center. The ad promoted alternatives to abortion and offered to help women […]

Northwestern Investigates Professor For Criticizing Excessive Investigations

In 2016, Northwestern University professor Laura Kipnis, a self-described feminist, found herself subjected to a Title IX investigation by the school. She wrote an essay criticizing ‘sexual paranoia’ on campus which included criticisms of Title IX investigation. For this, […]

Pro-Life Display Wrecked By Vandals at DePaul

In 2013, vandals destroyed a pro-life display at DePaul University put up by the school’s chapter of YAF. However, after the vandals name came to light, the school punished a pro-life student who shared the students name.
Pro-life displays are […]

Feminists Brag About Destroying Pro-Life Display

In 2016, feminists at Marquette University openly bragged about destroying a pro-life display at Marquette University, a Catholic school in Milwaukee.

The defacement also received the full backing of the College Democrats chapter, which bizarrely claimed to actually be against […]