Students Upset That School Ads Appear on Breitbart

Recently, students and campus community members were upset that ads for the school showed up on Breitbart. The school vowed to fix the problem, while noting that algorithms, not the schools, determine where and who sees the ads.

University Severs Ties With Climate Change Solution Skeptic

In 2015, the University of Western Australia “backtracked on a federally funded research center” connected to Bjorn Lomborg, due to his views on climate change. Lomborg believes that government policies towards climate change need to take into account the effect […]

Student Newspaper Says Opposing Views Don’t Deserve To Be Heard

Recently, after a controversy involving bringing feminist speaker Laura Kipnis to Wellesley College erupted, the student newspaper criticized defenders of inviting Kipnis, saying that hate speech isn’t free speech. Kipnis, a critic of Title IX laws which broadly define […]

School Postpones American Sniper Screening

In 2014, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute postponed a screening of “American Sniper” after complaints from the Muslim Student Association. This is one of several postponements of the film, as Muslim student groups complain the movie stigmatizes Muslims or promotes Islamophobia.

Students Mad That Public Tweets Were Shared

In 2014, Daniel Mael, a Brandeis University student shared several tweets from a fellow student, Khadijah Lynch, which discussed racial and policing issues. Mael, a reporter for Ben Shapiro’s website Truth Revolt, was accused of “cyber stalking” and “libel” according […]

Student Columnist Says ROTC Mirrors A Criminal Organization

In 2015, a student columnist at Brown University named Pete Makhlouf wrote an op-ed in the student newspaper claiming that ROTC should be banned from campus because it trains students for “state-sanctioned violence”. According to the column, it is […]