Chalk Used To Support Cops, Immediately Banned By DePaul

Chalk Used To Support Cops, Immediately Banned By DePaul

In 2016, DePaul University College Republicans chalked several conservative, but relatively tame messages,  such as messages supporting Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and police. According to the free-speech group FIRE, “Between April and August 2016, DePaul University banned political chalking on campus and twice prohibited students from inviting controversial speakers. In April, when the DePaul College Republicans used chalk to write messages supporting Donald Trump’s presidential campaign on sidewalks at the university’s Lincoln Park campus. Finding the messages to be “inflammatory,” the grounds crew removed the chalkings. DePaul later informed students that they could not chalk partisan messages on campus due to the university’s status as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt entity.”


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